Visitors to the 2023 New York International Auto Show that runs for the public from April 7 to 16, will have the opportunity to create their own unique piece of artwork featuring either the Lexus RX or RZ using artificial intelligence (AI).

Located at the Lexus booth will be a 98-inch screen where guests are guided through prompts that will generate a special image of either the RX or RZ with any kind of background the guest can dream up. Think a Lexus RZ posing in front of an ocean, or an RX near the top of a snow-covered mountain.

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The Japanese carmaker worked with data scientists and machine learning engineers at the Toyota Connected North America (TCNA) center of excellence on the attraction. It uses an advanced AI model that can generate photorealistic or artistic style images of the RX and RZ models after being trained with more than 500 photos of each vehicle. Should guests love the AI images that the tool generates, they’ll be able to send the images to themselves through email.

 Create Your Own Lexus Masterpiece At The NY Auto Show With The Help Of AI

“At TCNA, we are always looking at new ways to leverage data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other cutting-edge technologies to deliver value to our customers and engage with them,” vice president of Engineering, Mobility & Emerging Technologies at TCNA Shravanthi Denthumdas said. “Generative AI is such a new field for most of the companies, and we’re enthusiastic for our partnership with the Lexus marketing team and utilize this technology to develop strong bonds with guests.”

Both the Lexus RX and RZ are very well-rounded SUVs from the carmaker. We had the chance to drive the latest-generation RX last year and were left very impressed with the improvements that Lexus has made to it. For example, the interior has been overhauled and modernized while the use of a new platform increases rigidity while also lowering weight.

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