
Get Your Caffeine Fix With the Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines - Money

The earthy aroma, the smooth taste, the way it invigorates our senses — there's something about coffee that just makes us feel good. If you love coffee but don't feel like spending hours in your kitchen grinding beans, finding the right filters and boiling water, consider investing in a bean to cup coffee machine. Designed to provide maximum convenience, these machines make it easy to prepare a delicious cup of coffee without any hassle. To help you pick one, we’ve put together a list of some of the most advanced bean to cup coffee machines of 2023.

Best Overall: De’Longhi Bean to Cup Coffee Machine

Easiest to Use: Philips Bean to Cup Coffee Machine

Mess-free Operation: Black + Decker Bean to Cup Coffee Machine

Most Compact: Breville Bean to Cup Coffee Machine

Aesthetically Pleasing: Tchibo Bean to Cup Coffee Machine

Comparing the Top-rated Bean to Cup Coffee Machines of 2023

De’Longhi Bean to Cup Coffee Machine — Best Overall

List Price: $799.95 - $1,119.93

Courtesy of Amazon

The De'Longhi Bean to Cup Coffee Machine is the perfect tool for the home barista. It features a twin brewing cycle and patented milk system to heat water to an optimal brewing temperature, pump it through the filter basket for saturation and then extract all of the flavors from the coffee grounds in just 60 seconds.

This bean to cup coffee machine boasts a premium burr grinder with 13 adjustable settings to help you grind your beans to perfection every single time. With its intuitive control panel, you can easily adjust coffee strength and choose between single or double espresso shots without worrying about cleaning up. This coffee machine comes with a removable water reservoir, waste bin and drip tray, making cleanup a breeze. Thanks to its all-around user-friendly design and customizable nature, this bean to cup coffee machine is our top pick.


  • Dual Thermoblock heating system to maintain temperature
  • Fast, one-touch brewing system
  • Easy to clean and maintain


  • Plastic casing looks cheap
  • No alert if there are no beans when you start the machine

Philips Bean to Cup Coffee Machine — Easiest to Use

List Price: $699.99 - $999.99

Courtesy of Amazon

This Philips Bean to Cup Coffee Machine makes it easy to prepare your favorite drinks, from espressos to Americanos and everything in between. It features an intuitive touch display, allowing you to adjust aroma strength and cup quantity just the way you like it.

What makes this bean to cup coffee machine truly special is its 12-step grinder adjustment, which lets you customize your grind depending on the type of beans you’re using. It also features an AquaCleaner water filter that helps improve the quality of your brew and prevent limescale buildup, while the aroma seal container helps retain maximum bean freshness. This means that no matter how many cups of coffee you brew throughout the day, they'll always taste fresh with this bean to cup coffee machine.


  • Powerful ceramic grinder for optimal grinding
  • Adjustable coffee strength and water temperature
  • Easy-to-clean, dishwasher-safe parts


  • Doesn’t come with a timer
  • Not very durable

Black + Decker Bean to Cup Coffee Machine — Mess-free Operation

List Price: $99.99

Courtesy of Amazon

If you're looking for a coffee maker that can make your morning routine easier, look no further than the Black + Decker Bean to Cup Coffee Machine. The integrated grinder grinds beans just before brewing so you get the freshest taste possible, while its brew strength selector allows you to set the machine to make strong or mild coffee depending on your preference.

This bean to cup coffee machine has a feature that temporarily stops the flow of coffee while it’s being brewed so you can pour a cup without making a mess everywhere. Designed with a large water reservoir, this machine can brew 12 cups of coffee in one go, and its water level indicator lets you know when it's time for a refill. You’ll also get a glass carafe, a coffee scoop and a filter basket to help you make the most out of your coffee-making experience.


  • Sneak-a-cup feature helps avoid messes
  • Features a freshness indicator
  • Programmable system for easy operation
  • Dishwasher-safe brewing basket


  • Filter can be difficult to clean
  • Carafe is not replaceable

Breville Bean to Cup Coffee Machine — Most Compact

List Price: $749.95

Courtesy of Amazon

The Breville Bean to Cup Coffee Machine can be the perfect counter space-saving companion for any coffee lover. With an integrated precision conical burr grinder, you can grind your beans to exactly the right consistency for brewing a rich, flavor cup, and it also has low-pressure pre-infusion, meaning you won't have to worry about getting bitter or burnt flavors from your coffee grounds.

This bean to cup coffee machine also features a digital temperature control that allows you to adjust the water temperature for optimal extraction. Just like the other picks on our list, it also comes with a manual microfoam milk frother so that your drinks will always be creamy, whether you’re in the mood for a cappuccino or a latte.


  • Can produce cafe-quality microfoam
  • Conical burr for precise grinding
  • Heats up within three seconds


  • Doesn’t come with a water level indicator
  • Low pressure output

Tchibo Bean to Cup Coffee Machine — Aesthetically Pleasing

List Price: $379.00

Courtesy of Amazon

Take your coffee experience to the next level with the Tchibo Bean to Cup Coffee Machine. This machine is fully automatic, with a powerful pump and pre-infusion system to make sure every cup you brew is as bold, rich and flavorful as the last. When you want to kick up the intensity of your coffee experience even further, the boost button will do the job for you.

This bean to cup coffee machine features an intuitive LED panel that offers touchscreen operation for easy navigation. With your purchase, you’ll also receive two different types of whole-bean coffee — a classic blend and a röstmeister blend — to brew the cup you're craving. With its sleek design and powerful capabilities, this coffee machine is a great choice for any java lover who wants to treat their tastebuds.


  • Features a large bean hopper
  • Easy-to-push buttons for increased convenience
  • Aroma seal container helps retain bean freshness


  • Issues with descaling
  • Small water tank

Finding Your Next Bean to Cup Coffee Machine: A Buyer’s Guide

Want to kickstart your day with barista-style coffee? A bean to cup coffee machine is just what you need. These machines provide precision at every step, from whole-bean processing to dosing, pressing and brewing. In a market flooded with a wide range of bean to cup coffee machines, there are a variety of options for customizing your coffee. You can even find some that can be connected to smart devices or a mobile app so that you don't even have to be in the kitchen to start making a cup. To help you make a smart investment, we’ve put together this detailed buying guide on how to choose the right bean to cup coffee machine in 2023.

Factors to consider when buying a bean to cup coffee machine

Adjustable grind level

The grind size of coffee impacts its flavor and consistency, so you adjust it to fit the type of cup you want. Espresso, for example, comes from finely ground coffee, while filter coffee requires a medium-coarse grain.

Double drip trays

If your family prefers drinking their coffee in their own special cups, you should get a bean to cup coffee machine with double drip trays that can handle cups and mugs of different sizes.

Machine size

If you have a small kitchen or limited counter space, you’ll want to be mindful of how big your coffee machine is. Inexpensive bean to cup coffee machines are often smaller, while some expensive versions wouldn't feel out of place in your local coffee shop. If you have the space and want to take the time to learn how to use a machine worthy of your favorite cafe, a larger size would serve you well. However, if you have an average-sized kitchen and want a machine that handles the job itself, a small size will fit the bill.

The milk frother

Not all bean to cup coffee machines feature a milk frother. If you want a sweeter taste and the ability to add aesthetic milk art to your drinks, make sure your machine has an automatic frother device or a froth-steaming wand to enjoy cafe-style coffee from the comfort of your home.

Choice of grind

Although different bean to cup coffee machines specialize in certain types of grinds, you might consider getting a multi-purpose machine. This way, you can make your cup of joe from a range of different bean grinds to enjoy various textures and types of coffee.

Grinder performance

Bean grinders, regardless of whether they’re ceramic or burr, must be efficient and smooth. While the smell of coffee is welcome first thing in the morning, the sound of a bean grinder might not be. Look for a machine that has a powerful grinder but won’t make much noise.

Dual compartments for beans

Some machines include storage bins where you can keep different bean concentrations. The most basic bean options are dark and light roast, which can satisfy the taste buds of almost any coffee lover. If you have a family member who exclusively drinks decaf, you can also reserve a slot just for them.

User-friendly interface

When a machine has multiple ways to customize the taste of your coffee, an interface that’s easy to navigate is a plus. When shopping for a bean to cup coffee machine, choose one that’s intuitive to use and makes experimenting with its options enjoyable.


Nobody likes spending hours in front of the kitchen sink cleaning their coffee machine. You usually have to de-attach most of its parts to do so, and cleaning the interior with your bare hands can be tough. An automated cleaning feature, though, can clean your coffee maker within twenty minutes, with some taking less than half that. A few models will even perform an auto-rinse cycle when you switch your machine on, which makes cleaning it a breeze.

Adjustable beverage options

After you've discovered your ideal combination of grind size, brew heat and aroma strength, a bean to cup coffee machine with adjustable brewing options will be a must. Some models can even save settings, allowing you to return to your favorite coffee again and again.

Why should you purchase a bean to cup coffee machine?


When you grind fresh coffee beans, the taste and aroma of the resulting cup are unmatched. With a bean to cup coffee machine in your home, you can enjoy fresh, flavorful coffee each and every morning.

Environmentally friendly

Most coffee pods feature single-use plastic, which makes them expensive and potentially harmful to the environment. Bean to cup coffee machines, on the other hand, are a less wasteful, eco-friendly alternative.


Many of these machines crush beans, brew and dispense fresh coffee at the touch of a button, making the whole process much more efficient. Others might be more involved, but the entire process is typically still machine-powered, eliminating effort on your end.

Easy to use

Most bean to cup coffee machines come with touch-free features that allow you to start making your coffee with touch-distance technology or on an app.

People Also Asked

Q: Should I use filtered water to make coffee?

A: If you don’t like the taste of your tap water, adding filtered water may improve the flavor of your coffee. Especially if you have a filter jar, it's worth a chance to see if it’ll make any difference. If you have hard tap water, you’ll definitely want to install and use a water filter in your coffee machine's water supply when possible.

Q: How often should I clean my bean to cup coffee machine?

A: To maintain optimal functioning, all coffee machines require regular cleaning. The most important task is descaling them, which involves removing plaque from the insides of the machine to ensure that water can easily run through it. If you don’t descale your machine, it will seize up and the water won't flow as quickly as needed for brewing a good cup of joe.

Q: How long are bean to cup machines good for?

A: If you take care of your bean to cup coffee machine by washing it regularly, it can last up to ten years. While most coffee machines are good for around a decade, you should think about replacing yours a bit sooner than this.

Q: Can bean to cup machines make espresso?

A: To make espresso, your machine needs at least a frother and a grinder. If your bean to cup coffee machine is automatic, it should include these features and be able to produce a variety of drinks, including espresso. Some other drinks that are more complicated might require a specific machine.

Q: What is the difference between bean to cup and espresso machines?

A: In a nutshell, bean to cup coffee machines are much easier to use. Although some bean to cup grinders aren’t fully automatic, they still handle more of the process than an espresso machine will. For example, bean to cup machines grind coffee beans whole, whereas an expresso machine requires the beans to be already ground.

Why Trust Us

Our commitment to the consumer begins with product selection and ends with the last word we write in each article. Each bean to cup coffee maker is carefully vetted quantitatively through star ratings and the number of reviews, as well as qualitatively through careful examination of reviews and the features each one has to offer. Leveraging our team of bargain hunters, we’re also always sure to keep your budget in mind while we find the best machines on the market. Our team of experts is dedicated to accurately depicting the pros and cons of each bean to cup coffee maker, translating technical product specifications into information you can understand. Our mission is to make sure you get the most bang for your buck…or in this case, the most caffeine for your cash.

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December 09, 2022 at 04:00AM

Get Your Caffeine Fix With the Best Bean to Cup Coffee Machines - Money
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